Breakthrough Science for a
Fossil-Free Future

ZymoChem manufactures bio-based products with increased yields.

Our platform is powered by proprietary Carbon Conserving (C2) microbes that convert renewable feedstocks into high-value materials.

We accelerate the transition to a real-zero economy by developing bio-based materials for everyday products.

  • We are rebuilding the personal hygiene market from the inside to enable a circular economy for the entire industry.

  • From traditional polyesters to high performance apparel, we help the fashion industry evolve using our bio-based sourcing technique.

  • Microplastics from fossil-based sources persist for lifetimes; that should no longer be the norm. Our bio-based materials breakdown once they have served their intended purpose.

  • As a 21st century materials company, we create high-performance coatings that perform as expected without the "Green Premium."

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