Our History
Started in 2013 by Harshal Chokhawala and Jon Kuchenreuther following their post-doctoral research together at University of California Berkeley, ZymoChem is breakthrough science for a fossil-free future.
As the partners worked to refine their processes and ultimately patent their breakthrough organic chemistry now known as Carbon Conserving Technology, they drew on one another’s strengths to expand the organization and scale their product lines.
It was the inspiration from their personal lives – notably becoming fathers – that helped guide where their technology would first make an impact.
Co-Founders Harshal Chokhawala and Jon Kuchenreuther, with Murthy Konda (an early co-founder)
We started as an idea on paper…
Sought out Grants to support our work
Formally incorporated and located the lab in Berkeley, CA
Accepted into the InbieBio Program
Supported by the Department of Energy ($250k) + USDA ($100k)
The applications for our Polymers business expanded
Our partnership with Agile BioFoundry was funded by U.S. Dept. of Energy BETO
ZymoChem underwent its first growth surge, leading to the relocation of its laboratories to Alameda, CA
A meaningful discovery is made: a viable Bio-SAP
(The initial idea came when Harshal’s wife was pregnant and learned that micro-plastics could pass through the placenta)
Critical IP for C2 Technology was discovered
ZymoChem continued to experience growth; moved its Headquarters to Gate510 in San Leandro, CA
Awarded $4.2MM across Two Grants from ARPA-E
Secured $4.0MM Seed Round Investment
Executed a Joint Development Agreement with a Fortune 500 Chemical Company
Established a collaboration with the World’s leading apparel brand
Expanded presence with a satellite office in Burlington, Vermont
Dept. of Energy’s BETO awarded $4MM for Bio-SAP efforts
ZymoChem chosen for the 2023 Fashion for Good (FFG) Innovation Platform
ZymoChem secures $21M Series A Funding Round, led by Breakout Ventures with new investments from lululemon & Toyota Ventures
ZymoChem debuts BAYSE, its bio-based super absorbent polymer
The U.S. Department of Defense selects ZymoChem to participate in its Distributed Bioindustrial Manufacturing Program (DBIMP)
After amending its incorporation documents to formally become a public benefit corporation, ZymoChem announces its B Corporation certification
lululemon & ZymoChem enter into a multi-year collaboration to scale bio-based Nylon 6,6